Els habitants del bosc

23:58 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

Preparing with enthutiasm for coming exhibition in Barcelona
which is coming soon... and wish to see you in there!

" Els Habitants del Bosc" 「森の住人」Habitants in woods
From 21th May to 9th June of 2013

on 21th May it will be:
at 7p.m Opening party & reading poem of Kenji Miyazawa (free event)

9p.m Dinnar "Menu of forest" by Toshie Nagashima
Macrobiotic cuisine suitable for vegetarians
20euros/pp prior booking essential by phone

Akashi Gallery  Roselló 197, Barcelona 08036
(nearest metro/tren "Passeig de Gràcia")

For more info, please visit oficial web:http://elshabitantsdelbosc.carbonmade.com
If you wish to recieve invitation of my exhibition by post or by e-mail,
please send an email to yoko.kataoka@gmail.com


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Agenda Spring - Summer

17:00 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

01/May  53a Fira del dibuix i la pintura @ plaça Catalunya, Figueres   10-20h

21/May - 09/June Exhibition "Els habitants del bosc"­@ Akashi Gallery, Barcelona

20/June - 21/July Forest of ART-Tshirts @ gallery ROCKETIIDA, Tokyo


Near by our home, yellow flowers are in full bloom.
It has started active season. Looking forward to meeting you soon.

A prop de la casa meva, les flores grogues estan en plena floració.
Ha començat temporada activa. Espero que ens veiem aviat.


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