23:01 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments




★案内状郵送希望の方はこちらまで→ yoko.kataoka@gmail.com




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November - December

19:31 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

Many many thanks for your visit to my exhibition, 
I was so delighted being there and meeting many lovely people!!
Moltes moltes gràcies per la vostra visita a la exposició,
he estat molt contenta ser-hi i trobar amb les persones encantadores!!

Coming very soon... Bingata Workshop @ Contes Savis (Besalú)
16/11/2013 16.00h - 20.00h  disseny, tallar plantilla, aplicar midó d'arros
24/11/2013  10.00h - 14.00h  preparar els colors, estampar amb llet de soja
Printing on paper, 60€ for both day, also possible to do only one day 30€.
for inscripcion and + info @ Contes Savis 
I'd love to share it with person who is interested in this printing tecnique!!

Moltes gràcies per la vostra participació al taller de Bingata @ Contes savis!

and coming soon... the last exhibition in 2013!
15th to 21th December 2013 at  classic music & art cafe Nelken (Tokyo) 11-22h
I am really excited preparing exhibition again in Nelken after 10 years abroad!


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Trip to Italy...

18:37 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

 a) Camminare a Cinque Terre
 b) il museo è qui, Ozzano Taro, Parma
c) Orto botanico di Siena

I've been to beautiful places in Italy and came back with good inspirations. 

Exhibition "Entre les fulles verdes"@ Palera is going on till Oct 20th of 2013

  6/10/2013 10-18h I will have a small stand with my work 
"XIV Jornades del Paper", Sarrià de Ter, Girona

He estat en llocs preciòs a Itàlia i he tornat amb bones inspiracions. 

L'exposició "Entre les fulles verdes" a Palera romandrà
 oberta fins el 20 d'octubre de 2013

  6/10/2013 10-18h Tindré una petita parada amb obra meva 
a les "XIV Jornades del Paper", Sarrià de Ter, Girona


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Exhibition @ Palera

22:38 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

Moltes gràcies a tothom que em va acompanyar el dia de la inauguració!! 
Thank you very much for your acompanies on the opening day!!


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23:00 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

Queda poc per inaugurar la propera exposició i vaig preparant...
Aquesta imatge es una peça per l'exposició. Espero fins aviat!


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"Entre les fulles verdes" @ Beuda

14:21 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

My next exhibition Entre les fulles verdes (Among green leaves) is coming soon...
I look forward to meeting you in there!

from 8 / September to 20 / Octuber 
Opening Party on 12:00 8th September 2013 

Monday & Wednesday 10-15:00, Thursday to Sunday 10-15:00 / 17:30 - 20:00
Tuesday closed


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Bingata Workshop Part-2

14:23 Yoko Kataoka 1 Comments

Moltes gràcies a totes les noies creatives que han participat al primer taller de Bingata. 
Estic molt contenta d'haver-vos conegut i espero que farem més tallers! 
Aquí uns dies veureu com han quedat al rentar-les a casa... fins ben aviat!


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Bingata Workshop Part-1

10:54 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

El primer día del taller de Bingata, vam fer les plantilles amb el disseny propi e aplicar pasta d'arròs.


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Bingata Workshop

22:02 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

Estic preparant un taller de Bingata pel 17 i 24 d'agost (possibilitat de fer només un dia) a Contes Savis (Besalú). Podreu gaudir del món multicolor i l'ambient relaxant de la illa tropical  amb l'experiència Bingata. M'agradaria compartir-ho amb persones que estiguin interessades en aquesta tècnica.

I am preparing Bingata (printing) workshop on 17th & 24th / August ( possibility to do only one day) at Contes Savis (Besalú). You can enjoy colourful world and relaxing atmosphere of tropical island through Bingata experience. I would like to share it with people who is interested in this tecnique.

8月17・24日にベサルーの絵本屋さんContes Savis にて、紅型体験教室をします。一日だけの参加も可能です。紅型体験を通して、南国のカラフルな世界と、ノンビリとした手仕事の時間を楽しみませんか?興味のある方、参加をお待ちしております。


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ArTee 2013

11:32 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments



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11:25 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

ART-Tshirts Exhibition  at gallery Rocketiida (Tokyo)
From 20/June to 21/July 
For more details, please click here!



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Exhibition schedule has changed!

20:13 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

AKASHI GALLERY summer's business hours since 1st of june:

From tuesday to saturday
13.30 - 23.00 or 24.00

The exhibition will be finished on 8th June, 9th sunday will be closed.

Nou horari d'estiu de AKASHI GALLERY des del 1r de juny:

De dimarts a dissabte
13.30h - 23h o 24h

L'exposició romandrà oberta fins el 8 de juny i el 9 diumenge serà tancada.


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"Els Habitants del Bosc" has started!

1:38 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

Many thanks for your visit to the opening event, 
it has started very well and will remain open till 9th of june.
It is an exhibition where japanese culture can be enjoyed with various senses.
I hope to have even more and more visits!

Moltes gràcies per la vostra visita a la inauguració, 
aquesta exposició ha començat molt bé i romandrà oberta fins el 9 de juny.
Crec que és una exposició on es pot gaudir cultura japonesa amb varis sentits.
Espero tenir encara més i més visites!

for more info / per + info: http://elshabitantsdelbosc.carbonmade.com/

↑ ↓ Exhibition opening / Obertura de l'exposició
↓ Kenji Miyazawa's poetry lecture / lectura de poesia de Kenji Miyazawa
↓Keiko Chonan (japanese florist) arranged wild flowers for this special occasion.
Keiko Chonan (florista japonesa) ha arranjat flors silvestres per l'ocasió.

 ↑↓ Menu of forest, macrobiotic cuisine by Toshie Nagashima
Menú del bosc, cuina macrobiòtica per Toshie Nagashima

↑Akashi Gallery, I feel like being in Japan, 
very peaceful and natural space in the heart of Barcelona.

Akashi Gallery, em trobo com si fos al Japó, 
un espai natural i molt tranquil al cor de Barcelona.

Special thanks to Lluís, Tina & Toru, Toshie, 
Keiko, Sachiko & Quim for your great collaboration!!


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1:29 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

My exhibition "Els Habitants del Bosc" 
is opening at 7p.m tomorrow!
I look forward to meeting you and sharing cosy and lovely time.

Please check video clip of the exhibition created by Lluís Xargay :-)


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Els habitants del bosc

23:58 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

Preparing with enthutiasm for coming exhibition in Barcelona
which is coming soon... and wish to see you in there!

" Els Habitants del Bosc" 「森の住人」Habitants in woods
From 21th May to 9th June of 2013

on 21th May it will be:
at 7p.m Opening party & reading poem of Kenji Miyazawa (free event)

9p.m Dinnar "Menu of forest" by Toshie Nagashima
Macrobiotic cuisine suitable for vegetarians
20euros/pp prior booking essential by phone

Akashi Gallery  Roselló 197, Barcelona 08036
(nearest metro/tren "Passeig de Gràcia")

For more info, please visit oficial web:http://elshabitantsdelbosc.carbonmade.com
If you wish to recieve invitation of my exhibition by post or by e-mail,
please send an email to yoko.kataoka@gmail.com


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Agenda Spring - Summer

17:00 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

01/May  53a Fira del dibuix i la pintura @ plaça Catalunya, Figueres   10-20h

21/May - 09/June Exhibition "Els habitants del bosc"­@ Akashi Gallery, Barcelona

20/June - 21/July Forest of ART-Tshirts @ gallery ROCKETIIDA, Tokyo


Near by our home, yellow flowers are in full bloom.
It has started active season. Looking forward to meeting you soon.

A prop de la casa meva, les flores grogues estan en plena floració.
Ha començat temporada activa. Espero que ens veiem aviat.


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11 March

10:48 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments




Two years after Tohoku earthquake, I pray again for numerous victims and wish recovering peaceful life again as soon as possible to the people who still cannot live in their own place, and people who lives in affected area.

This spring we made hen house using an old funiture, a cock and 3 hens came to our home. They are youngs and make small eggs (almost half of L-size in supermerket ) they look like precious stones and are so tasty. Easter is coming soon, season of rebirth. Wising joyful spring arrives to everyone with new energy.


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Senyal de la primavera

11:02 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

Quan preparo la gelea de violeta, sento la perfumada primavera ja esta arribant.
Preparing violet's jelly, I smell that spring is already arriving.


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"Gardens" in London

21:52 Yoko Kataoka 0 Comments

Many thanks for all visitors, artists and family who suported and was involved to realize the exhibition "Gardens" and  for meeting lovely people @ such a nice space  in London, I enjoyed so so much!!

                                a                                                 b
                                c                                                 d
                                e                                f                                 g
                                h                                                 i

Photos: a) Juliette's work (photography) b) Menier Gallery near by Shard & Borough Market  c) My drawing & small bags, etc d) My printing work e) Pattern illuminated f-g) Tom's work (sculpture) h) Takako's work i) Takako's ceramics and Juliette's photo at show window  j) All of us @ entrance of the Menier Gallery
from left to right: Yoko, Juliette, Kanoko (who organised the exhibition), Tom, Takako and Lluís (who designed flyer and poster).


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